<html> <head> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function scope( rockmenu ) { // Called from menu to either load static content into the top frame // or to dynamically write code for embedding a Java applet // rock identifies the file name, blurb is the caption rock = rockmenu[rockmenu.selectedIndex].value; blurb = rockmenu[rockmenu.selectedIndex].text; if (rock != "") { // ignore blank menu values and reselect the first menu item rockmenu.selectedIndex = 0; if (rock== "help") { // selected help, load the opening page parent.frames[0].location.href="stage.html"; rockmenu.selectedIndex = 0; } else if (rock== "close") { // call function to close the microscope close_scope(); rockmenu.selectedIndex = 0; } else { // load applet with selected image with (parent.frames[0]) { document.write('<html><head><title>' + blurb + '</title></head>'); document.write('<body bgcolor="#000000" text="#EEEEEE">'); document.write('<center><applet code="ImageZoom.class"'); document.write(' width=400 height=265 vspace=14>'); document.write('<param name="IMAGE" value="'+ rock +'.jpg">'); document.write('<param name="ZoomLevel" value="6">'); document.write('<param name="PanSpeed" value="4">'); document.write('<param name="cursor" value="1">'); document.write('<param name="Preload" value="on">' ); document.write('Sorry, but your web browser cannot load this Java Applet :-('); document.write('<p>Here at least is a picture of the sample:<br>'); document.write('<img src="'+ rock +'.jpg" width=400 height=265><p>'); document.write('</applet>'); document.write('<font face="verdana,helvetica" size="2">'); document.write('<br>BISHOP TUFF: ' + blurb); document.write('click to zoom, move mouse to edge to pan</center>'); document.write('</body></html>'); document.close(); } } } } function close_scope() { // provide a confirmation dialog box before closing the window if ( confirm( "Are you sure that you want to close the microscope?" ) ) { parent.close(); } } //--> </script> </head> <body bgcolor=#333333 text=#FFFFFF link="#CCFFFF" vlink="#FFCC99"> <center> <form> <font face="verdana,helvetica" size=1>java microscope viewer</font><br> <select name="rock" onChange="scope(this)"> <option value="">Select a sample... <option value="dw_vis">Densely Welded Bishop Tuff (visible light) <option value="dw_pol">Densely Welded Bishop Tuff (polarized light) <option value="pw_vis">Partly Welded Bishop Tuff (visible light) <option value="pw_pol">Partly Welded Bishop Tuff (polarized light) <option value="">------------------ <option value="close">Close Microscope <option value="help">Help </select> </form> </center> </body> </html>